17 Oct Pythiosis in Texas
Posted at 15:28h
This gelding was initially diagnosed with cancer of the sheath and penis and then later diagnosed with pythiosis.

July 23, 2015
Before use of Fungus Free
August 4, 2015
Healing around the edges can be seen.
September 27, 2015
A little over 2 months
July 23, 2015
July 8, 2015
5 days after debridement
Before cleaning
It must be noted with this case that it took longer for the foot to heal than the sheath. The horse would be 90% healed and the owner did not realize she should continue to apply and administer orally until it was 100% gone. We recommend feeding the oral formula for about a month after all lesions are completely healed.

February 16, 2016
This case took almost 7 months total time for the foot although the sheath was resolved in 2 months.