13 Oct Pythiosis Insidiosum on Stomach
This gelding presented with Pythiosis just behind the girth area. The size of the lesion is about 10’’ across and hangs down from belly several inches.

August 20, 2015
Before use of Fungus Free Plus
October 28, 2015
The day before the first application of the product
November 7, 2015
Day 8 of using the productWe were contacted on Oct. 28th. The gelding had presented with Pythiosis in August and had received the three part series of Immunology serum (vaccine) with no results. The owners started him on the second series of serum with no results and decided to try Fungus Free Plus®. Within days there was a marked improvement.

December 9th, 2015

January 25th, 2016

February 10th, 2016
What is difficult to see in the photos is the amount of swelling that has decreased. Swelling is very common with Pythiosis and can take months to subside. What little is left of the wound is almost flush and protrudes less than a half an inch versus over 3” at start of treatment.